Nathan Cann détient un baccalauréat en arts visuels de Mount Allison University et est le gagnant de la competition art first de la Banque de Montréal en 2012.
Cann s’intéresse à la représentation abstraite de l’espace, l’objet et le mouvement artificiel capté dans le monde virtuel. Il utilise le polygon, un symbol du monde des jeux vidéos, pour prendre un objet et la transformer par l’abstraction.
L’exposition sera en montre au premier étage du Centre culturel Aberdeen du 27 novembre au 17 décembre 2012.
Nathan Cann is a BFA Graduate from Mount Allison 2012 and winner of the 2012 BMO art first competition, currently working in Painting and Printmaking. Open to Commissioned based work and actively pursuing residencies etc. Reformations is about taking objects designed with an aesthetic or informative purpose and abstracting them into a new object/image with aesthetic value. The shape and style of each work is representative of polygon like shapes used in the creation of virtual spaces (video game worlds).
Some of these works have a direct reference to site specific places in various video games. For example; a tree or plant, which is nothing more than a composition of multiple polygons, appears as a pile of abstract triangular shapes once the polygon is stripped of it's given plant like textures.
Each work is an abstract representation of a space, object, or artificial movement captured in the virtual world.
Cann’s work will be shown on the first floor of Centre culturel Aberdeen from November 27 until December 17 2012.